Transplant-Organ Service Verifies Yurko Claim
About Florida Medical Examiner's Error

Alan has recently received (around 11/10/03), by request, an official, signed letter from TransLife, a company that removes and preserves organs donated for transplant, and who removed baby Alan's heart.

The letter states clearly that no tissue was removed from the baby's heart for histological study, as Medical Examiner Gore asserted in his official, signed autopsy report, to which he testifed in court. Gore subsequently tampered with documents (evidence tampering) trying to cover his tracks. And he claimed to have been misled by an erroneous TransLife report he used to create this part of his autopsy report. Gore has thus far been unable to produce this report, which TransLife states doesn't exist.

The TransLife statement also shows that the heart tissue described in baby Alan's autopsy was NOT baby Alan's, which confirms the Yurko claim that cases were confused by Gore. (See also the original Gore Complaint and the Amendment)

The letter appears below.

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(Why reversing this conviction will help many people)

Alan Yurko


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